Original music production and sound design for film, video games and mobile entertainment
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Featured Work
Music Placements, Voicetone, Ringback or Polyphonic (MIDI) Theme Music Ringtone Production for the following television programs and motion pictures:

Italian Job | Watch What Happens Live | Popeye | Universal Studios Monsters | X-Men | The Guardian | The Invisible | Step Up | Wild Hogs | Invincible | Dr. Phil | Deadwood | Rome | Six Feet Under | Alias | Grey's Anatomy | All My Children | General Hospital | One Life To Live | Sopranos | Sex and the City | 24 | Mad Money

Published games featuring music and sound effects by LLC
Facebook - iOS - Android - Nintendo Wii - Plug N Play - Sony PSP - Nintendo DS - PC - Download - Flash - Mobile

Dora's Great Big World - iOS iPad Whobert's Path - iOS iPhone Cars vs Bosses - iOS iPhone OJO Agent - Facebook Birdopolis - Facebook Dice With Buddies - Facebook iOS Android Cate West: The Vanishing Files - Nintendo Wii U-Create: Games and Artimation Bad Planet - Sony PSP Alien Pig Farm - Sony PSP Fab 5 Soccer - Nintendo DS Cate West: The Vanishing Files - Nintendo DS USA TODAY Puzzle Craze - Nintendo DS Interactive Magic iF-22 - PC Interactive Magic iF-22 Persian Gulf - PC Shattered Light - PC Caterpillar Construction Tycoon Tumble Bees - Download Ghost Harvest EA Mobile Yahtzee - iPod Orion's Belt - iPhone PDC World Darts Championship - iPhone FOX Sports Batter Up! FOX Sports Boxing FOX Sports Football '04 FOX Sports Hockey '04 FOX Sports Track & Field '04 FOX Sports Racing FOX Sports Soccer '04 FOX Sports Yao Ming Basketball '04 FOX Sports Football FOX Sports Basketball 5-Card Draw Aliens: Unleashed

DRIV3R Ren & Stimpy Pinball Shark Hunt Yahoo! Literati NFL Football 2007 The Sims 2 Pets NBA Slam THQ Fashion Mogul Flutter Big League Home Run Challenge Sex and the City Carrie's Trivia Challenge Sex and the City Psychic Cocktail Bam Koala Jungle Hero Girls' Night Out Blackjack Girls' Night Out Solitaire NBA All Star 3-Point Shootout Digital Chocolate Spelltris Hunting Unlimited 3 Wealth.Power.Respect Ricochet Lost Worlds NFL Skills THQ Redline Legends World Soccer 2008 Gunslinger Ego Reign of Swords CBS Sportsline Baseball '04 Cellufun BLACKJACK Cellufun Video Slots Digital Chocolate MLSN Sports Picks The Incredibles Boom Goes the Earth 3D

All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All music and sound effects copyright LLC